AP (Advanced placement) test centers in India?
Source: https://international.collegeboard.org/students/ap/taking-ap-india
Contact details of AP test centers in India:
Source: https://international.collegeboard.org/students/ap/taking-ap-india
Contact details of AP test centers in India:
Guide to register for SAT Online
STEP 1 : www.collegeboard.org (Official SAT registration website)
STEP 2 : sign in – If you already have an account
Sign UP – to create login ID and password
The first page of College Board SAT registration form looks like this:
Step 3: Fill the SAT Registration Application Form
In the next step of SAT exam registration 2021, you need to Log in using your username and password and click on register for SAT. After this, they will need to provide their:
Step 4: Booking SAT Test Dates and Center
On providing the details of the testing country, you will get a list of SAT registration dates and SAT exam centres to select from. After SAT dates and center selection process is complete, you may go ahead and pay SAT registration cost.
The fee for attempting the test in India is $101 for the SAT without the optional Essay and $117 with the Essay – both inclusive of an International Fee of $49. If you change your SAT exam date or Center, an additional $30 is charged.
If you need any assistance to register for SAT, feel free to get in touch.
Have you at any point gotten an evaluation for a test that is fundamentally lower than what you anticipated? You figure you progressed nicely and the score is out of line. That can occur with the TOEFL too, and simply like in school, you find the opportunity to Request a TOEFL Rescore. And also know if you can predict your TOEFL Score.
how does rescore work
For one thing, rescore just applies for the speaking and writing segments; segments which are evaluated by human test administrators. On the off chance that you are not happy with your speaking and/or writing score, you can demand a rescore. When a rescore is mentioned, your essays and/or speeches will be relegated to an alternate individual from your unique scores to be evaluated. Your new score whether it is higher or lower than your past score will turn into your official new score.
There are a few necessities and limitations for Requesting a TOEFL Rescore.
things to consider
In view of the limitations, mentioning a rescore is a significant choice. You ought to be cautious and ask yourself a couple of questions before you choose.
A. Did you do just as well as you think?
You have to ask yourself whether you followed the rubric accurately. You may write the best article on the planet as you would see it, however on the off chance that your paper doesn’t follow the rubric, you won’t score as high as you might suspect. Investigate the official rubrics for the speaking and writing areas (accessible on ETS official site). Talk with your coach, educators, and schoolmates if possible to ensure you are not being one-sided. On the off chance that you truly think you were judged wrong, at that point you ought to consider a rescore demand.
B. Is it worth it?
Is it true that you are sure that a rescore will totally support your score? The issue with the rescore demand is that it isn’t cheap. Possibly you ought to consider concentrating more and afterward take the TOEFL a subsequent time. This could likewise assist you with expanding your reading and listening score, also. Also, taking the TOEFL again will cost generally equivalent to mentioning rescore for both the speaking and writing areas. On the off chance that you don’t have the opportunity to retake the TOEFL once more, at that point mentioning a rescore might be the correct choice.
Difficulty in registering for TOEFL? Refer to the ultimate guide for TOEFL Test Registration.
Can You Predict Your TOEFL Score?
It is entirely expected to think about how you have done after you taking TOEFL. You might want to foresee your score or approach someone to anticipate it for you. Be that as it may, did you realize that it is troublesome or practically difficult to anticipate a precise score for your TOEFL? Is it accurate to say that you are shocked? Here is the answer to the question of “Can You Predict Your TOEFL Score?”.
However, before knowing the answer to “Can You Predict Your TOEFL Score?” this question, you should know how is TOEFL graded.
reason why you can’t predict the TOEFL score
To begin with, TOEFL is a standardized test. That implies other than your capacity and execution that day, your score additionally relies upon the type of test you take that day. The TOEFL graders utilize a framework called comparing when evaluating your TOEFL scores. The equating procedure is the procedure when you utilize a calculation that can represent the way that a few tests are somewhat more troublesome or simpler than others. All together for a standardized test to be reasonable, the comparing framework will round out the hole between the simpler and more troublesome tests. Since we don’t have the foggiest idea what the calculation is, we can’t compute or foresee how well you will score regardless of whether you know what number of questions you think you got right.
Second, your outcomes during your training test can’t generally accurately foresee your outcomes for the genuine test. Indeed, even the most credible practice test can’t represent all the flighty components that occur during the genuine test, as startling interruptions, an awful night’s rest, feeling unwell, or having numerous inquiries that happen to be in your quality or shortcoming territories. Despite the fact that TOEFL is a standardized test, we as a whole realize that no test can 100% effectively legitimize one’s scholastic capacity, so in the event that you need to depend on your past exhibition on your training tests to figure your genuine outcomes, proceed. It is as yet a decent anchor; in any case, recollect that it won’t be 100% right.
Third, scholastic English in the TOEFL test is totally different from typical conversational English, so your capacity to communicate in English all the time and flourish in social circumstances is definitely not an adequate marker for your achievement in the TOEFL.
what you can do
Since the TOEFL is a standardized test, concentrating on the total number of right answers doesn’t generally show your last score on a genuine test. So, all things being equal, while taking a training test, focus on progress and improvement rather than complete number of right answers.
You should take in any event at least three full recreated practice tests during the way toward studying for the TOEFL. Take one full practice test toward the start of your TOEFL arrangement. This test will give you a benchmark score and fill in as the starting line for your studying.
Afterwards, about a month or two preceding your genuine test take another full practice test to check whether you are prepared. The aftereffect of this test, when contrasted and the primary full practice test you took toward the start of your investigation, will give you a thought of what amount have you improved.
Finally, take your third practice test about possibly 14 days before your real TOEFL test. Not exclusively will it help you see considerably more movement, however will permit you to turn out to be more confident and experienced taking TOEFL.
Try not to stress over the scores of the three tests, particularly the third one. For instance, if your objective is 96 and you just scored 94 on your third practice test, don’t stress over it. There are numerous different elements included while stepping through the exam that might possibly by present on the day you step through the genuine examination and these elements can influence you more than you might suspect. Try not to stress over the score, however about your performance and progress.
Rather than focusing on a numeric score, attempt to be a pragmatist and focus on a non-numeric objective. Having an objective that centres more around your advancement will assist you with having more beneficial investigation meetings and feel more inspired. Each progress you cause will to be considered a triumph for a non-numeric objective. While with a numeric objective, each progression you’ll make is a disappointment of not meeting the objective yet.
Get yourself helpful a versatile internet learning instrument that can figure and give you a scope of scores dependent on your qualities, shortcomings, and execution. Utilizing such an instrument will give you a greatly improved sign on where you stand, so you can settle on a decent choice before taking the TOEFL. On the off chance that you are far away from your objective score consider deferring the test for a later date. The TOEFL can be exorbitant and delaying the test could assist you with getting the score you need on your first attempt.
Also, know the TOEFL Scores and its conditional acceptance.
In the event that you are a non-native English speaker who needs to learn at an institution in an English-speaking nation, more often than not you would be required to present a TOEFL score. The TOEFL doesn’t have a direct reviewing framework like what you have at schools, a wrong answer will unquestionably cause you to lose points and a right one will pick up you points. So, the TOEFL score itself can be confusing. This post ideally can assist with How is TOEFL Graded.
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How is TOEFL Graded
The TOEFL has its own scoring scale and framework, and it’s anything but a percent correct score. That implies the most extreme score for the TOEFL test isn’t 100%. Rather, the most extreme score is 120 with 4 segments. Each segment (Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening) is worth 30 points.
In contrast to the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) whose purposes of each area are similarly as significant as the generally speaking, with the TOEFL, the combined score out of 120 is the most significant number. Commonly, the schools and universities won’t request that you separate the total score into individual segments.
reviewing of TOEFL
The TOEFL is a standardized test, which implies the scores are ‘equated.’ This additionally implies the quantity of right answers you get in the test won’t relate precisely with the last score you get.
This is on the grounds that the TOEFL test producers might want to make the test and results as reasonable as could be expected under the circumstances. In some cases, a form of the test can be more troublesome than another adaptation. So, it won’t be reasonable for everybody stepping through the exam if the percent-correct evaluating framework is utilized. The TOEFL graders, other than taking a look at the good and bad answers, they additionally consider the general execution of everybody taking that test to at last think of the score. So as a rule, the TOEFL scores are practically identical in any event, when test-takers step through various examinations from one another.
Notwithstanding, the ETS doesn’t share their official evaluating and comparing scores framework with general society. So, we don’t actually have a clue how it is evaluated. In any case, remember that regardless of whether you are ‘unfortunate’ and have a troublesome than the normal understanding section, you will in any case be judged reasonably contrasted with other people who have the simpler understanding entry.
Know few last minute tips for TOEFL.
On the off chance that you are taking IELTS to concentrate abroad, at that point you will take the Academic IELTS Reading Module. So read the Format of The IELTS Reading Test.
In the event that you are taking IELTS for different purposes, for example, working abroad, at that point you will take the General Training Reading Module.
In any case, improving your reading for IELTS is significant as you will confront some intricate reading and troublesome jargon.
Module of IELTS Reading
Both IELTS Reading Tests, Academic and General Training, expect to evaluate the accompanying aptitudes:
The tests change in their substance:
Format of The IELTS Reading Test
follow this pattern
The Academic IELTS Reading Module takes an hour and there are 40 questions to reply. Each question is worth 1 mark.
The Reading Passages
There are three reading passages with an aggregate of 2,150-2,750 words. Writings are taken from diaries, magazines, books, and papers.
All the points are of general intrigue and the writings have been composed for a non-specialist audience. The readings are planned to be about issues that are proper to competitors who will enter postgraduate or college classes.
In any event one content will contain definite legitimate argument. One of the writings may contain non-verbal materials, for example, charts, outlines or graphs.
On the off chance that there are specialized terms which you may not know in the content then a glossary is given. The writings and questions become more troublesome through the paper.
The Questions
Guidelines are clear and simple to follow and you will be given instances of any new question types. Messages and questions show up on a Question Paper which you can compose on however not detract from the test room.
You should address all questions on an Answer Sheet during the hour – there isn’t additional time toward the conclusion to move your responses to an answer sheet.
The position of the question changes- a portion of the inquiries may precede an entry, some may come in the wake of, depending on the question type.
These are the sorts of question you can hope to find in the test:
There is an answer sheet and you should enter all the questions on there during the test. There is no additional time toward the conclusion to enter the scores. So read the tips of IELTS Reading Test.
Refer to the Format of IELTS Listening Test.
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