Are you afraid of GRE Verbal? Don’t be

Are you afraid of GRE Verbal? Don’t be

Alright, first things first – begin by freezing your target score for GRE. One way to do that is, take a diagnostic test to know your current level and use that to figure where you’d like to reach. Alternatively, you can reverse that process i.e. set your GRE target score first and then take the diagnostics to figure out strengths and weaknesses.

Now, say your GRE target score is 320 and your strength is Quantitative Reasoning, you would barely need a 150-155 score in Verbal to achieve your target. A 150-155 score is very achievable and really easy provided you follow a structured approach towards your GRE Verbal preparation.

Don’t fret over vocabulary! (Visit Here)

One of the biggest mistakes is to waste a lot of time on vocabulary. There is this general assumption or myth about GRE Verbal that you CANNOT score good without mugging up some random 1500-2000 words which you would NEVER use in your future. Over a number of years as a teacher I have seen GRE test-takers cram words like anything, as if there life depended on it, and still end up scoring 140-145 in GRE Verbal. What’s the point? Disclaimer: I am not against vocabulary! All I am saying is please first focus on sentence structure or Reading Comprehension (things that really matter) before touching vocabulary. Make sure you pocket 150 before pushing for 160!

Focus on the rest, 150 guaranteed!

Be practical in your preparation approach, it is the primary differentiator between your aim and your ability. Focusing on Sentence structure and typical Text completion strategies will help you get minimum 40% accuracy in the Sentence Completion category of GRE Verbal. Rest, Reading Comprehension and Critical reasoning are devoid of advanced vocabulary, so you need not devote precious preparation time in vocabulary building. This approach is less risky, less painful and yields better scores.

A caveat to this is that since you are completely ignoring vocabulary, you must make sure you focus on understanding strategies and applications for solving Reading Comprehensions. Once you start this approach, your fear towards Verbal will surely feel misplaced and unnecessary.  

Stay tuned for the next article on sentence structure, Happy studying till then!