• Get enough sleep so you can concentrate on the exam the next day. If you are having trouble falling asleep, try doing something calming and short before bed.
  • To stay sharp mentally and physically, eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid heavy meals close to test time as they can make you feel sluggish and low on energy. Also, avoid energy drinks or products with a lot of caffeine, as this can often lead to feelings of anxiety or jitteriness.
  • Make sure you have everything ready before the test so that you don’t waste time looking for it. Print out directions if needed, bring extra supplies such as pencils and erasers, any paperwork related to the exam (such as an ID), and a watch.
  • Take some time in the morning for light exercise such as stretching, yoga, or walking; physical activity increases oxygen flow throughout your body and helps clear your mind so that you can stay focused on test day. This also helps reduce stress levels which may be heightened due to pre-exam anxiety or nerves.
  • Instead of studying intensely, try doing relaxed activities to prepare for the exam. Visualize yourself succeeding and do progressive muscle relaxation exercises.
  • To improve your concentration and calm down any pre-test anxiety, set aside some time for meditation. Doing so in the morning can help you focus on anything that comes up during the exam. Remember to have a positive attitude – it will help you overcome any challenges!
  • Finally the last tips for IELTS examination is, practice deep breathing exercises before heading into the testing area; taking slow breaths has been proven to reduce stress hormone levels while increasing levels of serotonin (a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating moods) which can help keep your spirits high during an otherwise stressful situation like an important examination!  Good luck!

Last minute tips

These tips can help you prepare for the IELTS examination, and make sure that you are mentally, physically, and emotionally ready for it. Proper rest and relaxation will help you feel calm on test day, while also understanding what to expect will give you a head start. Best of luck – we know you’ll ace it!

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