Do you have trouble understanding native English speakers? You aren’t alone! As your language skills develop, it can be difficult to understand native English speakers. But don’t worry, we have suggestions for you.

Stay calm and focused

In this part of the IELTS test, it’s important that you stay calm and focused. This way, you won’t miss any important information and won’t be overwhelmed by all the audio. To avoid getting stuck on one word for too long and losing track of what is being said, try using context clues to figure out what difficult words mean.

Learn to listen naturally

To improve your score, practice active listening and supplement your studies with immersive experiences such as watching videos in English, listening to podcasts, and participating in conversation clubs. Through active listening, you’ll be able to listen naturally and accurately assess what is being said to answer questions correctly.

Manage your time wisely

Doing well on this part of the exam also requires good time management. Pay attention to what is being said and how much time is left for each question so you don’t waste time. Don’t forget to use the extra time in the end to review your answers!

Practice makes perfect

The best way to prepare for this section of the test is to practice regularly beforehand. Familiarize yourself with different accents so that unfamiliar speech patterns don’t affect your performance. Listen to audio recordings in English regularly to further improve your listening comprehension. This will give you an advantage over other test takers on exam day!
With these tips in mind, there’s no need to fear when tackling this part of the IELTS test! If you plan, practice diligently, focus during the exam, and manage your time wisely, you’ll be successful on exam day. With these strategies, you can be sure that you’ll ace this part of the exam with flying colours! Good luck!